lighting store colorado springsAce Colorado Springs Hardware stores have the electrical supplies you need when it comes to your at-home electrical project. Brighten up your home with light bulbs from Ace. Even if you have unique home lighting, we offer a great selection of light bulbs, including many hard to find types. At Ace Colorado Springs, we also have energy efficient light bulbs so you can conserve electricity in your home or business.

If you still have any incandescent light bulbs, you should look into coming in to get some LED or CFL lights instead, as incandescent bulbs are no longer produced or sold in the US. All of our bulbs come in a variety of watts and tones from harsh 1000 watt LED‘s too soft and calm reading lights. Besides just light bulbs, however, we do sell light fixtures, fans, and the sorts at Ace as well. You can completely re-do the electrical and lighting setup in your home with products from Ace.

Lighting Stores In Colorado Springs Wish They Had Our Selection

We have a wide selection of switches, adapters, and timers. Anything related to lights and electrical supply, we have it! And while you are in shopping for your light needs, don’t forget to pick up an extension cord and power strip. You can never have too many and they can help protect your technology as well as cut down on energy consumption, besides just helping you connect your house more effectively to electricity.

  • Fixtures
  • Lighting
  • Bulbs
  • Power Strips
  • Cables and Cords
  • LED. CFL’s & Incandescent
  • Fans
  • And Much More…

Need help with your electrical project? Whether you need advice on which new LED bulb would accent your kitchen cabinetry just right or installing a new electrical outlet, ACE hardware is here to help with all your electrical needs. From hardware products to advice, we offer everything you need!

Just ask one of our helpful associates, and they will be sure to assist you in picking the right electrical supplies, lend advice, or help brainstorm a solution to an electrical problem. But you shouldn’t be surprised when they offer help before you even need it.

Light Fixtures Colorado Springs

We stock a wide variety of lighting fixtures for you to choose from. Variety is the spice of life, and at Ace, we don’t skimp on variety when it comes to lighting. Light fixture styles can tie an entire room together. From modern lighting to classic light fixtures you can find the style and look you are after at Ace Hardware.

lighting fixtures colorado springsThe Perfect Bulb

Ace has a huge selection of light bulbs. We can help you match the right tone and color lighting for the right place in your home. From energy efficient LED bulbs to smart light bulbs, we have the options you need. Even if you are starting an indoor hydroponic garden we have those also. Perfect for growing your own food!

Ambient lighting for setting the right mood and effect. Whether you want intimate lighting for a casual dinner party or fancy mobile phone controlled lighting for a great party, we’ve got you covered!

Power Strips

Protect your electronics with power surge protectors and power strips. You can never have enough power strips for your home.

Cables and Power Cords

Light up your life with extension cords in a multitude of sizes, colors, and varieties. Find the power cord you need at Ace along with wiring for your electrical supply needs.

Electrical Supplies

We also carry a wide variety of electrical supplies that would make an electrician jealous. Everything from outlets, copper wiring, grounding plugs and more. Get the electrical job done right the first time. Shop at Ace in Colorado Springs.

Holiday Decorative Lighting

Find what you need for your holiday show. From Christmas lighting to Halloween. We have the right lights for the right season. Wow, your neighbors with decorations from Ace Hardware.

Not sure what you need? Give one of our store locations a call and we can track down the right electrical supply items and even put it on hold for you.


Ace Hardware - Colorado Springs


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